Artistic Yoga consists of a series of yoga postures that create an uninterrupted cascade of asanas. Artistic yoga incorporates the use of music, costumes, good taste, natural art, rhythm of execution, and breath work. The routine should be performed to tastefully selected music. The postures are connected through the use of intercalary postures, which create a smooth transition between two postures with minimal weight displacement and time. In artistic yoga, it is essential to express the joy of movement. The athlete should strive to achieve a state of empathy and connection with the referees and the audience. The success of a yoga athlete's performance depends on their ability to gracefully execute asanas with creative expression. Creativity and individual expression combined with beautiful asanas are key to practicing Artistic Yoga.POSTURES
The athletes should select at least 6 poses from IYF’s Posture List.
The judging criteria are as follows:
- Artistic
- Execution
- Difficulty
- Comfortable breathing in the poses and transitions
- Timing
- Choreography
- Music
The execution must be completed within 3 minutes.
The number of the athlete in the execution: Individual (only 1 athlete performs artistic yoga).
Divisions by Age:
Kids aged 4-17
Adults aged 18-49
Seniors aged 50+
The score calculation is the same for all divisions.
Divisions by Gender:
- Women
- Men
International Yoga Federation
Address: 5438 Smiley Dr. Los Angeles, CA90016 / USA
Address: Harmanyolu Ust Sok. Sisli, Istanbul / Turkiye
Address: 5438 Smiley Dr. Los Angeles, CA90016 / USA
Address: Harmanyolu Ust Sok. Sisli, Istanbul / Turkiye
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