International Yoga Federation (IYF) organizes monthly International Yoga Festivals to make yoga more accessible and widespread since 2000. These festivals also include seminars about the goals of United Nations that align with IYF’s mission and activities.The International Yoga Federation conducts activities aligned with the United Nations on the following topics.
The human rights, the human rights of women and children, the women's economic independence, the domestic violence against women and children, youth, gender equality, gender issues and advancement of women, education and training of women, volunteerism, the environment, peace and security, sports for peace and development, healthy lifestyles, poverty, violence, suicide, agriculture, peace and unity, disabled persons, children, narcotic drugs, natural disasters, climate change, biodiversity.

International Yoga Federation (IYF) organizes monthly International Yoga Festivals to make yoga more accessible and widespread since 2000. These festivals also include seminars about the goals of United Nations that align with IYF’s mission and activities.The International Yoga Federation conducts activities aligned with the United Nations on the following topics.
The human rights, the human rights of women and children, the women's economic independence, the domestic violence against women and children, youth, gender equality, gender issues and advancement of women, education and training of women, volunteerism, the environment, peace and security, sports for peace and development, healthy lifestyles, poverty, violence, suicide, agriculture, peace and unity, disabled persons, children, narcotic drugs, natural disasters, climate change, biodiversity.

International Yoga Federation
Address: 5438 Smiley Dr. Los Angeles, CA90016 / USA
Address: Harmanyolu Ust Sok. Sisli, Istanbul / Turkiye
Address: 5438 Smiley Dr. Los Angeles, CA90016 / USA
Address: Harmanyolu Ust Sok. Sisli, Istanbul / Turkiye
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