The name of the Federation is: “ INTERNATIONAL YOGA FEDERATION.” The Federation can open up local and international representation offices.
The abbreviation of it will be “IYF”
Logo: The logo of the Federation is circular: A thick purple circle is inside a white and purple drawn circle, with a purple background and typed white letters saying “INTERNATIONAL YOGA FEDERATION” on it. Another white circle is in it and inside of this white circle is a map of the world with the coloring of gray and white as a silhouette. In front of the map, there is a figure of a human standing on both of his elbows and one leg, in the pose of a bridge. The logo is shown above. The logo of the Federation cannot be used in anyway without taking permission from the Board of Directors, can not be distributed to the ones other than members, can not be sold, and can not be used other than its purpose.
The Federation has been established; To provide an environment to be able to introduce and spread Yoga, which has an important support for the physical, mental and spiritual development of individuals of any age group nationally and internationally to big masses, to inform society about its benefits for the health of human beings, and to gather yoga coaches/instructors, to allow the development of the activities of the yoga coaches/instructors , to enable their education, to make arrangements, and give support about the determination of occupational standards etc. and to do Yoga training/certification programs, arrange educational seminars and educations, to conduct examinations, to honor certification of coaching/ participation, to give any kind of guidance to the coaches/instructors and to work towards having good relationships, cooperation, and support between the member associations, to arrange national and international competitions in the field of Yoga, to ensure that activities with similar objectives are carried out together, and to be in national and international activities.
Here, the wording “Yoga” is meant for the Original Yoga System. With the Original Yoga System, a branch of sport and knowledge which is open to all of humankind, regardless of religion, class, language, color, race, gender, and age is expressed.
- For Yoga to spread nationwide and internationally, create projects, take decisions, implement and make others implement.
- Carry out worldwide Yoga Organizations, conducting activities that promote Yoga, to do research to activate and make these activities much more effective and for their development, to arrange training activities such as: courses, seminars, conferences, and panels, and to organize national and international competitions.
- For the education, application, and dissemination of the Original Yoga System, creating projects, to give related individuals and organizations support with knowledge and the expertise.
- To strengthen the communication between the individuals and the Organizations applying the Original Yoga System, arranging national and international meetings and attending similar meetings.
- To define standards for the Yoga Centers; make its regulations, audit, and make sure these standards are being abided.
- To open up courses and programs to train Yoga coaches/instructors, conduct examinations, to honor the ones who succeed with coaching/instructor certification, to arrange training activities such as: seminars, conferences, and panels.
- To evaluate and inspect how much the institutions that honor Yoga coaching and attendance certification abide by the occupation standards and regulations, enforce sanctions for these institutions to act in certain quality standards.
- To create occupational standards on the field of Yoga Coaching/Instructor, with this goal make various arrangements (regulation, circular, announcement etc.) announce and publish, to ensure the approval of these by the relevant authorities.
- Towards the goal to be actualized provide any type of knowledge, document, documentation and publication, to create a documentation center, for the works to be heard of, aligned with the goals to publish newspapers, magazines, books and bulletins.
- For the goal to be achieved, create a healthy work environment, provide any type of technical equipment, fixed assets, and office supply equipment.
- To improve and keep the social relationships of members and member associations, organize activities such as: dinner parties, concerts, plays, exhibition, sports, travel, camps, festivals, carnivals, banquets, or to make the members take advantage of such activities.
- With the necessary permissions, be involved in collecting aid and accepting donations both nationally and internationally.
- For the goal to get the necessary revenue, to be able to actualize the mission in these Bylaws to establish economic, commercial, industrial, and revolving businesses and to operate or to enable its operation.
- For the members to benefit and do Yoga establishing social and cultural facilities and inspect them,
- If required for the realization of the purpose, to establish local or international foundations, to establish confederation or to be part of such an established confederation, establish such institutions or contribute for them to establish and to build facilities that federations can establish with the necessary permissions,
- Being in international activities, being a member of Federations and institutions which have been established abroad and organizing activities in the field of Yoga, attending their activities, doing joint work with these institutions or helping each other,
- If it is found to be necessary, without prejudice to the provisions of the law, to carry out a joint project with the public institutions and organizations in the fields of their duties,
18 - To open up new branches and representative offices to be able to carry out activities at required places.
19 - To create platforms for cooperation with other federations or foundations, trade unions and similar non-governmental organizations in fields that are of interest to the Federation and are not prohibited by law,
20 - For the Federation activities, purchase needed movable and immovable assets, to sell, rent, and lease, and to establish the real right on immovable property.
21- Towards its goals at the national and international levels, cooperating with press, media organizations, universities, related public institutions, and civil society organizations,
22 - To carry out any type of activities required by the Federation for its purposes and which the law does not prohibit,
The Federation acts in the social field.
Membership and Terms
Any association that adopts the purpose of the Federation and accepts to work in this direction may become a member of the IYF. The application for membership shall be made with a petition to the chairperson of the Federation`s board of directors together with a decision taken by the associations own General Assembly to participate in. The Board of Directors evaluate the application and give their decision within 30 days at the latest. The association whose membership is finalized is considered to have accepted the main Bylaws of the Federation. In addition, the name of the honorary membership may be given to the natural and legal persons who serve factually and without any expectations to the Federation and who provide financial and moral benefit to the Federation.
Termination of Membership
a) The member association has the right to opt out with written notice.
In the event that a member abolishes itself or loses their legal entity for any reason, their membership will automatically be terminated. The membership is terminated by getting a decision of the general assembly with the will of the member association that wants to opt out from the membership of the Federation.
b) By not participating in the works of the Federation, by escaping from taking duties, by not performing the assigned duties, by not complying with the decisions of the Federation organs and obstructing them; by acting in opposition to the bylaws and goals of the Federation and by acting carelessly towards the service philosophy and mission of the Federation, members who prevent the Federation from reaching its goals may be removed from membership through the decision of the Board of Directors. The decision of removal is not granted without the right of written and oral defense.
It is possible to object to the removal decision within 1 month to be examined at the General Assembly. Until the objection is connected to the decision, the rights and obligations of the member continue. The General Assembly’s decision is the final decision.
c) Not paying contribution debt within 1 month despite written notice, in the case of legal barriers to membership or with the loss of legal requirements for membership, the membership expires. The Board of Directors take a decision about the detection of the loss of membership. This decision can be appealed within a month to be examined at the General Assembly. Until the date the objection is concluded with a decision, the rights and obligations of the member continue. The General Assembly’s decision is the final decision.
Rights and Obligations of the Member
Article 6
Federation members have the following rights:
- To attend the General Assembly together with their delegates.
- To choose the organs shown in the statute.
- To take advantage of written studies in the relevant articles of the statute
- To participate in Federation activities and management.
Article 7
Associations that are members of the Federation fulfill the following obligations:
- To adhere to decisions of authorized bodies and all provisions of the Federation statute.
- To report the general assemblies that they will do to the Federation President in a way it will reach to them at least 15 days in advance.
- Regularly pay contributions of the Federation.
- Not to be in an attitude and behavior contrary to the purposes of the Federation, not to use the authorities contrary to the benefits of the Federation.
- To participate in the research and review studies.
- To complete the tasks assigned by the Federation bodies.
Article 8
Here are the organs of the Federation:
- General Assembly
- Board of Directors
- Board of Auditors
Article 9
The General Assembly is the highest decision-making body of the Federation and consists of the following delegations.
- Regardless of the number of registered members, each association participates with “4” delegates to the General Assembly. The delegates sent by each member to the General Assembly, representatives of the Federation's Board of Directors and Board of Auditors who served on the board at that term have the right to attend and cast a vote at the general meeting at the end of the term.
- The delegates who will attend the General Assembly are notified to the Federation in writing by their association in a way it will reach to the General Assembly at least (7) days before.
General Assembly Meetings
The General Assembly is convened in two forms, ordinary and extraordinary:
- Ordinary General Meeting: Once every three years, they meet in April according to the call of the Board of Directors.
- Extraordinary General Meeting: Meet with the call of the Board of Directors through the request of Board of Directors or Board of Auditors or at least ⅕ (one fifth) of the General Assembly of Federation delegates.
Call Procedure
The Board of Directors arrange a list of members who are entitled to attend the General Assembly according to the Federation statute. Members who are entitled to attend the general assembly are invited to the meeting at least 15 days before with announcement of the day, time, place, and agenda in a newspaper or reporting by written or electronic mail. If a meeting cannot be held because a majority cannot be reached in this circle, it is also announced which day and time the second meeting is to be held. The time between the first meeting and second meeting cannot be less than 7 days or more than 60 days. If the meeting is postponed for any reason other than the lack of majority, this case is announced to the members by indicating the reasons for the delay in accordance with the calling convention. The second meeting should happen within six months at the latest from the date it is postponed. Members are invited to the second meeting again in the same way according to the principles stated in the first chapter.
Quorum of Meeting
The General Assembly convenes with participation of one more than half of the eligible delegates. The meeting, which contains the topics of amendment of the statute and the annulment of the Federation, can be conducted with the participation of two-thirds of the number of delegates. If there is not enough quorum in the first meeting, the majority in the second meeting is not sought. But the number of delegates participating in the second meeting cannot be less than twice the sum of the total number of members of the board of directors and auditors.
Procedure of Meeting
The General Assembly convenes on the day, hour, and place specified in the announcement. Delegates enter the meeting hall by signing the alignment of their names in the list organized by the Board of Directors. If a majority is provided the situation is determined by a record, if the Chairperson of the Board or Vice Chairperson of the Board is not there, the meeting is opened by one of the members of the Board of Directors. After opening, the Meeting Board composed of the Meeting Chairperson, the Meeting Vice Chairperson , and the Minutes Clerck is elected to manage the meeting.
Only items on the agenda are discussed in the General Assembly. However, it is obligatory to include the topics that are requested to be discussed by one tenth of the members attending the meeting.
Delegates personally participate in the meeting. Each delegate may cast one vote. It is imperative that the delegates show their identities to the council committee and they must sign the alignment of their names in the attendance sheet during voting for the election of the Federation bodies. Delegates are not allowed to cast a vote in a discussion of a matter related to them.
Decisions in the General Assembly are taken with the absolute majority of the delegates attending the meeting and through open voting. Only the decisions on the amendment of the statute and termination of the Federation are taken by two-thirds majority of the members attending the meeting.
Decisions and minutes of the General Assembly signed by the Meeting Board, delivered to the Board of Directors with minutes to be kept and to take necessary action.
Article 10
- Selection of Federation bodies for 3 years.
- Change of Federation statute.
- Examine the Board of Directors and Board of Auditors reports, balance sheet and income-expense accounts, according to the result of the examine to make a decision about the Board of Directors and Board of Auditors being released or to make decisions about the responsible ones.
- Review and approve the Federation budget.
- Decide about the subjects that need to be taken into consideration or removed.
- Decide to join or leave a confederation of the federation, to establish a new confederation, and decide to become a founding member in this confederation. Decide to terminate the Federation.
- To suspend members of the Board of Directors and supervisory board when necessary, to take a decision for legal prosecution of those who have responsibilities on this, to authorize the supervision of member associations by the Board of Directors.
- Examine complaints and wishes reflected on the General Assembly.
- Review the regulations to be prepared for the Federation studies by the Board of Directors and approve the same or by changing them.
- Decide international activities of the Federation, to decide whether to join or leave as a member of a federation, association, or organization abroad.
- To establish economic enterprises with revolving funds enterprises, to authorize the management board to buy or sell movable or immovable property.
- Review the other proposals of the Board of Directors and make a decision.
- The General Assembly supervises other bodies of the Federation and can always take them from the office with justifiable reasons.
- The General Assembly gives the final decision on acceptance and removal from membership. The General Assembly does work which is not given to the other body of the Federation and uses the authorities as the most authoritative body of the Federation.
Article 11
- The Board of Directors is elected for three years through a secret ballot and open count method, including 5 full and 5 associate members among the delegates whose names are listed on the general assembly delegate list.
- Board members who did not attend three consecutive board meetings without an excuse lose their membership automatically. Re-election of board members whose term is expired is possible.
- If the number of members of the Board of Directors falls below the absolute majority due to vacancies, the General Assembly is invited to the meeting within one month by the current members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Auditors.
- A list of the names, surnames, occupations, and addresses of the full members and associate members of the Board of Directors is notified to the property management authority within 30 days following the election of the General Assembly.
- The Board of Directors convene at the first meeting after its election and divide the duties. In the first meeting of the Board of Directors consisting of 5 persons together with the Chairperson of the Board of Directors, they select a Vice Chairperson, a Secretary, and an Accountant through the division of duties among themselves.
- The Chairperson of the Board of Directors also has the title of President of the Federation. The President of the Federation is selected among people who are known to be experts in Yoga in society, who have been engaged in Yoga for 50 years, who have at least 25 books on Yoga, 20 DVDs and CDs, and who are at least 50 years old.
- Each member of the Board of Directors has the right to cast one vote.
Article 12
- Represents the Federation or gives authority to one or more of the other members in this respect.
- Decides to carry out studies in line with the objectives and working subjects of the Federation and ensures that activities are carried out in domestic and abroad. In order to carry out these activities, it establishes commissions, working groups and assigns them to various subjects.
- Applies the resolutions of the General Assembly.
- Assesses the money belongs to the Federation appropriately.
- Prepares the annual and quarterly reports of the Federation, balance sheet, income-expense account and future turnover budget and submits it to the general assembly.
- Ensures that the books and files of the Federation are kept regularly and systematically.
- To present the letting go decisions about the members to the General Assembly
- Invites the General Assembly to a meeting.
- Within the framework of the authorities in the law, buy, sell, use, lease movable goods and accept any kind of donations or donate. In addition, buy and sell all kinds of immovable properties based on the decision of the General Assembly.
- Examines and decides on membership applications made to the Federation. It decides on member associations who lose their membership or want to leave and present this decision to the first ordinary or extraordinary General Assembly.
- Ensuring the opening of representative offices in the deemed necessary places,
- Performs the duties assigned to it by legislation.
Article 13
- The President presides over the Board of Directors and represents the Federation in all respects and manages the Federation according to regulation rules, the decisions of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors.
- Provides that notification to the civil administration authority of the full members and associate members elected to the Board of Directors and the Board of Auditors and other bodies of the Federation ; within thirty days following the election made by the General Assembly,
- Provides that notification to the civilian authority the amendments in the federal organs and settlement place; within thirty days.
- Ensures keeping the books and records that should be kept by the Federation.
- Ensures that the Federation declaration of the yearly Federation activities and the results of the income and expense transactions are submitted to the property administration office by the end of April of each year at the latest.
- Provides that: in case of receiving aid from abroad, these aids are taken through the banks.
- Provides that the immovable acquired by the Federation shall be notified to the local authority within one month from the registration to the title office.
- Ensures that if the Federation opens a representative office, the addresses of the representatives, the appointed person or persons will be notified to the civilian authority.
- In important and urgent matters, calls the General Assembly to a meeting. Encourage efficient and productive central and branch functions and leading by being an example in the subject.
- To perform the duties in other matters specified for the President of the Federation in the legislation, and exercise the authorities.
Article 14
The Board of Auditors consists of three full members and three associate members elected for three years by General Assembly. Expired members can be re-elected. At the first meeting after the election, it selects a president among itself.
Internal auditing can be carried out by the Board of Auditors in the Federation and also by independent auditing institutions. The fact that the audit has been conducted by the independent auditing institutions does not remove the obligation of the Board of Auditors.
Article 15
a) Inspecting all transactions, accounts and books of the Federation
b) Presenting to the General Assembly a report on the results of annual management and financial audits and inspections of the balance sheet and income-expense account.
c) Reporting to the Board of Directors a report on the deficiencies found during the audit and the transactions contrary to the provisions of the bylaws, to ask for necessary corrections and arrangements to be done.
d) To request for the Board of Directors to invite the General Assembly to an extraordinary meeting in case of incompatibility to the benefit of the Federation in the Board of Directors’ works.
The auditors may participate in the Board of Directors' studies without voting rights.
Article 16
The revenue sources of the Federation are listed below:
- Donations and contributions made by real and legal persons to the Federation by their own discretion.
- Income derived from activities such as sightseeing, entertainment, concerts, conferences, festivals, carnival, seminars, social and sportive events organized by the Federation,
- Income derived from the assets of the Federation,
- Donations and aids to be collected in accordance with the provisions of the legislation on aid collection.
- To be able to obtain the income in order to actualize the purpose of the Federation, the profits derived from the business activities.
- Other income
Article 17
Federation incomes are entitled as "Appropriation Receipt" (which is included in the Annex-17 of the Regulation on Associations). If the revenue of the Federation is collected through the banks, it can be replaced by the receipt of the documents such as the receipt or the statement of account issued by the bank.
Federation expenditures are made with expenditure documents such as invoices, retail sales receipts, and self-employment receipts. However, a 'Receipt of Receipts' is issued for payments that are not covered by the provisions of the Tax Procedures Code for the payments that are within the scope of the Article 94 of the Income Tax Law, and which are not included in the scope of this Law (which is included in the Annex-13 of the Regulation on Associations).
Deliveries of free goods and services to be made to the persons, institutions or organizations by the Federation shall be carried out with the "Outgoing Donation Certificate" (which is included in the Annex-14 of the Regulation on Associations). If the deliveries of free goods and services to be made to the Federation by persons, institutions or organizations are accepted with the "Incoming Donation Certificate" (which is included in the Annex-15 of the Regulation on Associations).
Procedure for Income and Expense and Debt
Article 18
In case of the need to actualize the purpose of the Federation and carry out its activities, it may get into depth with the decision of the Board of Directors. This borrowing can be done in cash or with the procurement of goods and services with credits. However, this borrowing cannot be made in a quantity that is not able to be met by the revenue sources of the Federation and in a quantity that would cause payment difficulties for the Federation.
Article 19
Internal audits may be made by the General Assembly, the Board of Directors, or the Board of Auditors in the Federation as well as independent auditors. The fact that the audit has been conducted by the independent auditing institutions does not remove the obligation of the Board of Auditors.
The inspection of the Federation is carried out by the Board of Auditors at least once a year. The General Assembly or the Board of Directors may audit when necessary or may conduct audits through independent audit institutions.
Article 20
Any change in the statute can be made through the decisions of the General Assembly.
In order to be able to make changes to the Bylaw by the General Assembly, 2/3 majority is needed of the members who are entitled to participate in the general assembly . If the meeting is postponed due to the failure to meet the majority, no majority will be sought in the second meeting. However, the number of members attending this meeting cannot be less than two times the total number of members of the Board of Directors and the board of auditors. The majority of the decisions required for a change of statute are two-thirds of the votes of the members who attend the meeting and have the right to cast a vote. In the general assembly, the amendment of the statute is made openly.
Article 21
The Federation General Assembly can always decide to terminate the Federation. At least two thirds of the members and delegates who are entitled to participate in the General Assembly by law must be present at the meeting so that the General Assembly can decide to terminate the Federation. If this majority is not attained at the first meeting, members and delegates are invited to the second meeting. But it is imperative that the decision about termination is given by two thirds of the members and delegates present at the meeting.
In case of termination, all goods, money, and rights of the Federation shall be transferred to our member associations for the purpose determined by the decision of the General Assembly.
After the completion of liquidation and transfer of money assets and rights of these federations, the case shall be reported in writing to the administrative authority of the place where the Federation center is located by the liquidation board within 7 days, and the liquidation minutes are added to this written statement.
Article 22
The Federation may open and operate local and recreational facilities or have them operated by getting permission from the relevant authority.
Article 23
The Federation keeps records of member registration, decisions, business accounts, fixtures, receipt documents, and paperwork register books in accordance with the legislation.
Article 24
All disputes, conflicts and disagreements between members and IYF, as well as with third parties outside IYF, are to be solved through mutual negotiations.
Article 25
In matters not specified in this statute, the Associations Law, Turkish Civil law, and the Regulation of Associations issued wıth reference to these laws and other relevant legislation on associations shall apply.
The name of the Federation is: “ INTERNATIONAL YOGA FEDERATION.” The Federation can open up local and international representation offices.
The abbreviation of it will be “IYF”
Logo: The logo of the Federation is circular: A thick purple circle is inside a white and purple drawn circle, with a purple background and typed white letters saying “INTERNATIONAL YOGA FEDERATION” on it. Another white circle is in it and inside of this white circle is a map of the world with the coloring of gray and white as a silhouette. In front of the map, there is a figure of a human standing on both of his elbows and one leg, in the pose of a bridge. The logo is shown above. The logo of the Federation cannot be used in anyway without taking permission from the Board of Directors, can not be distributed to the ones other than members, can not be sold, and can not be used other than its purpose.
The Federation has been established; To provide an environment to be able to introduce and spread Yoga, which has an important support for the physical, mental and spiritual development of individuals of any age group nationally and internationally to big masses, to inform society about its benefits for the health of human beings, and to gather yoga coaches/instructors, to allow the development of the activities of the yoga coaches/instructors , to enable their education, to make arrangements, and give support about the determination of occupational standards etc. and to do Yoga training/certification programs, arrange educational seminars and educations, to conduct examinations, to honor certification of coaching/ participation, to give any kind of guidance to the coaches/instructors and to work towards having good relationships, cooperation, and support between the member associations, to arrange national and international competitions in the field of Yoga, to ensure that activities with similar objectives are carried out together, and to be in national and international activities.
Here, the wording “Yoga” is meant for the Original Yoga System. With the Original Yoga System, a branch of sport and knowledge which is open to all of humankind, regardless of religion, class, language, color, race, gender, and age is expressed.
- For Yoga to spread nationwide and internationally, create projects, take decisions, implement and make others implement.
- Carry out worldwide Yoga Organizations, conducting activities that promote Yoga, to do research to activate and make these activities much more effective and for their development, to arrange training activities such as: courses, seminars, conferences, and panels, and to organize national and international competitions.
- For the education, application, and dissemination of the Original Yoga System, creating projects, to give related individuals and organizations support with knowledge and the expertise.
- To strengthen the communication between the individuals and the Organizations applying the Original Yoga System, arranging national and international meetings and attending similar meetings.
- To define standards for the Yoga Centers; make its regulations, audit, and make sure these standards are being abided.
- To open up courses and programs to train Yoga coaches/instructors, conduct examinations, to honor the ones who succeed with coaching/instructor certification, to arrange training activities such as: seminars, conferences, and panels.
- To evaluate and inspect how much the institutions that honor Yoga coaching and attendance certification abide by the occupation standards and regulations, enforce sanctions for these institutions to act in certain quality standards.
- To create occupational standards on the field of Yoga Coaching/Instructor, with this goal make various arrangements (regulation, circular, announcement etc.) announce and publish, to ensure the approval of these by the relevant authorities.
- Towards the goal to be actualized provide any type of knowledge, document, documentation and publication, to create a documentation center, for the works to be heard of, aligned with the goals to publish newspapers, magazines, books and bulletins.
- For the goal to be achieved, create a healthy work environment, provide any type of technical equipment, fixed assets, and office supply equipment.
- To improve and keep the social relationships of members and member associations, organize activities such as: dinner parties, concerts, plays, exhibition, sports, travel, camps, festivals, carnivals, banquets, or to make the members take advantage of such activities.
- With the necessary permissions, be involved in collecting aid and accepting donations both nationally and internationally.
- For the goal to get the necessary revenue, to be able to actualize the mission in these Bylaws to establish economic, commercial, industrial, and revolving businesses and to operate or to enable its operation.
- For the members to benefit and do Yoga establishing social and cultural facilities and inspect them,
- If required for the realization of the purpose, to establish local or international foundations, to establish confederation or to be part of such an established confederation, establish such institutions or contribute for them to establish and to build facilities that federations can establish with the necessary permissions,
- Being in international activities, being a member of Federations and institutions which have been established abroad and organizing activities in the field of Yoga, attending their activities, doing joint work with these institutions or helping each other,
- If it is found to be necessary, without prejudice to the provisions of the law, to carry out a joint project with the public institutions and organizations in the fields of their duties,
18 - To open up new branches and representative offices to be able to carry out activities at required places.
19 - To create platforms for cooperation with other federations or foundations, trade unions and similar non-governmental organizations in fields that are of interest to the Federation and are not prohibited by law,
20 - For the Federation activities, purchase needed movable and immovable assets, to sell, rent, and lease, and to establish the real right on immovable property.
21- Towards its goals at the national and international levels, cooperating with press, media organizations, universities, related public institutions, and civil society organizations,
22 - To carry out any type of activities required by the Federation for its purposes and which the law does not prohibit,
The Federation acts in the social field.
Membership and Terms
Any association that adopts the purpose of the Federation and accepts to work in this direction may become a member of the IYF. The application for membership shall be made with a petition to the chairperson of the Federation`s board of directors together with a decision taken by the associations own General Assembly to participate in. The Board of Directors evaluate the application and give their decision within 30 days at the latest. The association whose membership is finalized is considered to have accepted the main Bylaws of the Federation. In addition, the name of the honorary membership may be given to the natural and legal persons who serve factually and without any expectations to the Federation and who provide financial and moral benefit to the Federation.
Termination of Membership
a) The member association has the right to opt out with written notice.
In the event that a member abolishes itself or loses their legal entity for any reason, their membership will automatically be terminated. The membership is terminated by getting a decision of the general assembly with the will of the member association that wants to opt out from the membership of the Federation.
b) By not participating in the works of the Federation, by escaping from taking duties, by not performing the assigned duties, by not complying with the decisions of the Federation organs and obstructing them; by acting in opposition to the bylaws and goals of the Federation and by acting carelessly towards the service philosophy and mission of the Federation, members who prevent the Federation from reaching its goals may be removed from membership through the decision of the Board of Directors. The decision of removal is not granted without the right of written and oral defense.
It is possible to object to the removal decision within 1 month to be examined at the General Assembly. Until the objection is connected to the decision, the rights and obligations of the member continue. The General Assembly’s decision is the final decision.
c) Not paying contribution debt within 1 month despite written notice, in the case of legal barriers to membership or with the loss of legal requirements for membership, the membership expires. The Board of Directors take a decision about the detection of the loss of membership. This decision can be appealed within a month to be examined at the General Assembly. Until the date the objection is concluded with a decision, the rights and obligations of the member continue. The General Assembly’s decision is the final decision.
Rights and Obligations of the Member
Article 6
Federation members have the following rights:
- To attend the General Assembly together with their delegates.
- To choose the organs shown in the statute.
- To take advantage of written studies in the relevant articles of the statute
- To participate in Federation activities and management.
Article 7
Associations that are members of the Federation fulfill the following obligations:
- To adhere to decisions of authorized bodies and all provisions of the Federation statute.
- To report the general assemblies that they will do to the Federation President in a way it will reach to them at least 15 days in advance.
- Regularly pay contributions of the Federation.
- Not to be in an attitude and behavior contrary to the purposes of the Federation, not to use the authorities contrary to the benefits of the Federation.
- To participate in the research and review studies.
- To complete the tasks assigned by the Federation bodies.
Article 8
Here are the organs of the Federation:
- General Assembly
- Board of Directors
- Board of Auditors
Article 9
The General Assembly is the highest decision-making body of the Federation and consists of the following delegations.
- Regardless of the number of registered members, each association participates with “4” delegates to the General Assembly. The delegates sent by each member to the General Assembly, representatives of the Federation's Board of Directors and Board of Auditors who served on the board at that term have the right to attend and cast a vote at the general meeting at the end of the term.
- The delegates who will attend the General Assembly are notified to the Federation in writing by their association in a way it will reach to the General Assembly at least (7) days before.
General Assembly Meetings
The General Assembly is convened in two forms, ordinary and extraordinary:
- Ordinary General Meeting: Once every three years, they meet in April according to the call of the Board of Directors.
- Extraordinary General Meeting: Meet with the call of the Board of Directors through the request of Board of Directors or Board of Auditors or at least ⅕ (one fifth) of the General Assembly of Federation delegates.
Call Procedure
The Board of Directors arrange a list of members who are entitled to attend the General Assembly according to the Federation statute. Members who are entitled to attend the general assembly are invited to the meeting at least 15 days before with announcement of the day, time, place, and agenda in a newspaper or reporting by written or electronic mail. If a meeting cannot be held because a majority cannot be reached in this circle, it is also announced which day and time the second meeting is to be held. The time between the first meeting and second meeting cannot be less than 7 days or more than 60 days. If the meeting is postponed for any reason other than the lack of majority, this case is announced to the members by indicating the reasons for the delay in accordance with the calling convention. The second meeting should happen within six months at the latest from the date it is postponed. Members are invited to the second meeting again in the same way according to the principles stated in the first chapter.
Quorum of Meeting
The General Assembly convenes with participation of one more than half of the eligible delegates. The meeting, which contains the topics of amendment of the statute and the annulment of the Federation, can be conducted with the participation of two-thirds of the number of delegates. If there is not enough quorum in the first meeting, the majority in the second meeting is not sought. But the number of delegates participating in the second meeting cannot be less than twice the sum of the total number of members of the board of directors and auditors.
Procedure of Meeting
The General Assembly convenes on the day, hour, and place specified in the announcement. Delegates enter the meeting hall by signing the alignment of their names in the list organized by the Board of Directors. If a majority is provided the situation is determined by a record, if the Chairperson of the Board or Vice Chairperson of the Board is not there, the meeting is opened by one of the members of the Board of Directors. After opening, the Meeting Board composed of the Meeting Chairperson, the Meeting Vice Chairperson , and the Minutes Clerck is elected to manage the meeting.
Only items on the agenda are discussed in the General Assembly. However, it is obligatory to include the topics that are requested to be discussed by one tenth of the members attending the meeting.
Delegates personally participate in the meeting. Each delegate may cast one vote. It is imperative that the delegates show their identities to the council committee and they must sign the alignment of their names in the attendance sheet during voting for the election of the Federation bodies. Delegates are not allowed to cast a vote in a discussion of a matter related to them.
Decisions in the General Assembly are taken with the absolute majority of the delegates attending the meeting and through open voting. Only the decisions on the amendment of the statute and termination of the Federation are taken by two-thirds majority of the members attending the meeting.
Decisions and minutes of the General Assembly signed by the Meeting Board, delivered to the Board of Directors with minutes to be kept and to take necessary action.
Article 10
- Selection of Federation bodies for 3 years.
- Change of Federation statute.
- Examine the Board of Directors and Board of Auditors reports, balance sheet and income-expense accounts, according to the result of the examine to make a decision about the Board of Directors and Board of Auditors being released or to make decisions about the responsible ones.
- Review and approve the Federation budget.
- Decide about the subjects that need to be taken into consideration or removed.
- Decide to join or leave a confederation of the federation, to establish a new confederation, and decide to become a founding member in this confederation. Decide to terminate the Federation.
- To suspend members of the Board of Directors and supervisory board when necessary, to take a decision for legal prosecution of those who have responsibilities on this, to authorize the supervision of member associations by the Board of Directors.
- Examine complaints and wishes reflected on the General Assembly.
- Review the regulations to be prepared for the Federation studies by the Board of Directors and approve the same or by changing them.
- Decide international activities of the Federation, to decide whether to join or leave as a member of a federation, association, or organization abroad.
- To establish economic enterprises with revolving funds enterprises, to authorize the management board to buy or sell movable or immovable property.
- Review the other proposals of the Board of Directors and make a decision.
- The General Assembly supervises other bodies of the Federation and can always take them from the office with justifiable reasons.
- The General Assembly gives the final decision on acceptance and removal from membership. The General Assembly does work which is not given to the other body of the Federation and uses the authorities as the most authoritative body of the Federation.
Article 11
- The Board of Directors is elected for three years through a secret ballot and open count method, including 5 full and 5 associate members among the delegates whose names are listed on the general assembly delegate list.
- Board members who did not attend three consecutive board meetings without an excuse lose their membership automatically. Re-election of board members whose term is expired is possible.
- If the number of members of the Board of Directors falls below the absolute majority due to vacancies, the General Assembly is invited to the meeting within one month by the current members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Auditors.
- A list of the names, surnames, occupations, and addresses of the full members and associate members of the Board of Directors is notified to the property management authority within 30 days following the election of the General Assembly.
- The Board of Directors convene at the first meeting after its election and divide the duties. In the first meeting of the Board of Directors consisting of 5 persons together with the Chairperson of the Board of Directors, they select a Vice Chairperson, a Secretary, and an Accountant through the division of duties among themselves.
- The Chairperson of the Board of Directors also has the title of President of the Federation. The President of the Federation is selected among people who are known to be experts in Yoga in society, who have been engaged in Yoga for 50 years, who have at least 25 books on Yoga, 20 DVDs and CDs, and who are at least 50 years old.
- Each member of the Board of Directors has the right to cast one vote.
Article 12
- Represents the Federation or gives authority to one or more of the other members in this respect.
- Decides to carry out studies in line with the objectives and working subjects of the Federation and ensures that activities are carried out in domestic and abroad. In order to carry out these activities, it establishes commissions, working groups and assigns them to various subjects.
- Applies the resolutions of the General Assembly.
- Assesses the money belongs to the Federation appropriately.
- Prepares the annual and quarterly reports of the Federation, balance sheet, income-expense account and future turnover budget and submits it to the general assembly.
- Ensures that the books and files of the Federation are kept regularly and systematically.
- To present the letting go decisions about the members to the General Assembly
- Invites the General Assembly to a meeting.
- Within the framework of the authorities in the law, buy, sell, use, lease movable goods and accept any kind of donations or donate. In addition, buy and sell all kinds of immovable properties based on the decision of the General Assembly.
- Examines and decides on membership applications made to the Federation. It decides on member associations who lose their membership or want to leave and present this decision to the first ordinary or extraordinary General Assembly.
- Ensuring the opening of representative offices in the deemed necessary places,
- Performs the duties assigned to it by legislation.
Article 13
- The President presides over the Board of Directors and represents the Federation in all respects and manages the Federation according to regulation rules, the decisions of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors.
- Provides that notification to the civil administration authority of the full members and associate members elected to the Board of Directors and the Board of Auditors and other bodies of the Federation ; within thirty days following the election made by the General Assembly,
- Provides that notification to the civilian authority the amendments in the federal organs and settlement place; within thirty days.
- Ensures keeping the books and records that should be kept by the Federation.
- Ensures that the Federation declaration of the yearly Federation activities and the results of the income and expense transactions are submitted to the property administration office by the end of April of each year at the latest.
- Provides that: in case of receiving aid from abroad, these aids are taken through the banks.
- Provides that the immovable acquired by the Federation shall be notified to the local authority within one month from the registration to the title office.
- Ensures that if the Federation opens a representative office, the addresses of the representatives, the appointed person or persons will be notified to the civilian authority.
- In important and urgent matters, calls the General Assembly to a meeting. Encourage efficient and productive central and branch functions and leading by being an example in the subject.
- To perform the duties in other matters specified for the President of the Federation in the legislation, and exercise the authorities.
Article 14
The Board of Auditors consists of three full members and three associate members elected for three years by General Assembly. Expired members can be re-elected. At the first meeting after the election, it selects a president among itself.
Internal auditing can be carried out by the Board of Auditors in the Federation and also by independent auditing institutions. The fact that the audit has been conducted by the independent auditing institutions does not remove the obligation of the Board of Auditors.
Article 15
a) Inspecting all transactions, accounts and books of the Federation
b) Presenting to the General Assembly a report on the results of annual management and financial audits and inspections of the balance sheet and income-expense account.
c) Reporting to the Board of Directors a report on the deficiencies found during the audit and the transactions contrary to the provisions of the bylaws, to ask for necessary corrections and arrangements to be done.
d) To request for the Board of Directors to invite the General Assembly to an extraordinary meeting in case of incompatibility to the benefit of the Federation in the Board of Directors’ works.
The auditors may participate in the Board of Directors' studies without voting rights.
Article 16
The revenue sources of the Federation are listed below:
- Donations and contributions made by real and legal persons to the Federation by their own discretion.
- Income derived from activities such as sightseeing, entertainment, concerts, conferences, festivals, carnival, seminars, social and sportive events organized by the Federation,
- Income derived from the assets of the Federation,
- Donations and aids to be collected in accordance with the provisions of the legislation on aid collection.
- To be able to obtain the income in order to actualize the purpose of the Federation, the profits derived from the business activities.
- Other income
Article 17
Federation incomes are entitled as "Appropriation Receipt" (which is included in the Annex-17 of the Regulation on Associations). If the revenue of the Federation is collected through the banks, it can be replaced by the receipt of the documents such as the receipt or the statement of account issued by the bank.
Federation expenditures are made with expenditure documents such as invoices, retail sales receipts, and self-employment receipts. However, a 'Receipt of Receipts' is issued for payments that are not covered by the provisions of the Tax Procedures Code for the payments that are within the scope of the Article 94 of the Income Tax Law, and which are not included in the scope of this Law (which is included in the Annex-13 of the Regulation on Associations).
Deliveries of free goods and services to be made to the persons, institutions or organizations by the Federation shall be carried out with the "Outgoing Donation Certificate" (which is included in the Annex-14 of the Regulation on Associations). If the deliveries of free goods and services to be made to the Federation by persons, institutions or organizations are accepted with the "Incoming Donation Certificate" (which is included in the Annex-15 of the Regulation on Associations).
Procedure for Income and Expense and Debt
Article 18
In case of the need to actualize the purpose of the Federation and carry out its activities, it may get into depth with the decision of the Board of Directors. This borrowing can be done in cash or with the procurement of goods and services with credits. However, this borrowing cannot be made in a quantity that is not able to be met by the revenue sources of the Federation and in a quantity that would cause payment difficulties for the Federation.
Article 19
Internal audits may be made by the General Assembly, the Board of Directors, or the Board of Auditors in the Federation as well as independent auditors. The fact that the audit has been conducted by the independent auditing institutions does not remove the obligation of the Board of Auditors.
The inspection of the Federation is carried out by the Board of Auditors at least once a year. The General Assembly or the Board of Directors may audit when necessary or may conduct audits through independent audit institutions.
Article 20
Any change in the statute can be made through the decisions of the General Assembly.
In order to be able to make changes to the Bylaw by the General Assembly, 2/3 majority is needed of the members who are entitled to participate in the general assembly . If the meeting is postponed due to the failure to meet the majority, no majority will be sought in the second meeting. However, the number of members attending this meeting cannot be less than two times the total number of members of the Board of Directors and the board of auditors. The majority of the decisions required for a change of statute are two-thirds of the votes of the members who attend the meeting and have the right to cast a vote. In the general assembly, the amendment of the statute is made openly.
Article 21
The Federation General Assembly can always decide to terminate the Federation. At least two thirds of the members and delegates who are entitled to participate in the General Assembly by law must be present at the meeting so that the General Assembly can decide to terminate the Federation. If this majority is not attained at the first meeting, members and delegates are invited to the second meeting. But it is imperative that the decision about termination is given by two thirds of the members and delegates present at the meeting.
In case of termination, all goods, money, and rights of the Federation shall be transferred to our member associations for the purpose determined by the decision of the General Assembly.
After the completion of liquidation and transfer of money assets and rights of these federations, the case shall be reported in writing to the administrative authority of the place where the Federation center is located by the liquidation board within 7 days, and the liquidation minutes are added to this written statement.
Article 22
The Federation may open and operate local and recreational facilities or have them operated by getting permission from the relevant authority.
Article 23
The Federation keeps records of member registration, decisions, business accounts, fixtures, receipt documents, and paperwork register books in accordance with the legislation.
Article 24
All disputes, conflicts and disagreements between members and IYF, as well as with third parties outside IYF, are to be solved through mutual negotiations.
Article 25
In matters not specified in this statute, the Associations Law, Turkish Civil law, and the Regulation of Associations issued wıth reference to these laws and other relevant legislation on associations shall apply.
International Yoga Federation
Address: 5438 Smiley Dr. Los Angeles, CA90016 / USA
Address: Harmanyolu Ust Sok. Sisli, Istanbul / Turkiye
Address: 5438 Smiley Dr. Los Angeles, CA90016 / USA
Address: Harmanyolu Ust Sok. Sisli, Istanbul / Turkiye
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