

Certified by International Yoga Federation
Are you very bored with your current job and looking for a new profession that you will love to do?
Have you retired from your current job or are you about to retire and want both a hobby and a job?
Have you never worked before, but now want a profession where you can work whenever you want and take a vacation whenever you want?
Have you been developing yourself through personal growth for years and now want to use the knowledge and experience you have gained for people?
Do you want to change your life or contribute to the change of others?
Then Breathing Expertise is just for you...
At the end of the Breathing Expert training program, which will be conducted by International Yoga Federation, you will receive an Expert Certificate.
The International Yoga Federation will continue to support the Breathing Experts it trains.  
To learn any language, you must first learn the a-b-c. Proper breathing is the a-b-c of healthy living. Without learning the alphabet, a person cannot read. Similarly, without learning the proper breathing process, a person cannot be healthy.
Everyone breathes, but how many people breathe correctly and pay attention to their breath?
Very few people.
Poor posture such as a hunched back, sunken chest, obesity, emotional disturbances, various lung diseases, smoking, weak respiratory muscles, and irregular use of these muscles lead to incorrect breathing patterns. Generally, people do not fully utilize the capacity of their lungs. Many are not even aware of this. As a result, various ailments, discomforts, and disabilities arise. Poor posture and insufficient breathing cause many negative changes in the body that are not immediately noticeable. These negative changes lead to heavy breathing, lung insufficiency, and worsening heart diseases.
Especially the stressful and tense living conditions in large cities disrupt natural breathing. Adding polluted air to this, people continually suffer from respiratory disorders. This is the price civilization imposes on humans. To increase the resistance of the organism against diseases under unhealthy conditions, people must relearn proper breathing.
Breathing exercises help to prevent, stop, and treat these disorders. Thus, a person can regain health and live happily and fully.
The aim of breathing techniques is to make the respiratory system function in the best possible way.
The respiratory system is a gateway to cleanse the body, brain, and mind. The key to this gateway is breathing techniques.
The first thing we do when we come into the world is breathe; this shows how important breathing is. Unfortunately, despite this, people do not pay attention to proper breathing and as a result, suffer from various diseases.
In today's unhealthy and unnatural living conditions, whether in individual life or business life, to stay strong and balanced and to increase the resistance of the organism against diseases, people must relearn proper breathing!
The correct application of breathing techniques is like planting healthy seeds in productive soil. Incorrect application is like planting small stones in the soil and believing they are seeds and will sprout. You can water the stones as much as you want, but they will never sprout. Similarly, properly applied breathing techniques will bear fruit in a short time. Incorrect application has no benefit.
Techniques performed incorrectly and forcefully can cause harm instead of benefit.
Breathing exercises should be conducted under the guidance of an expert. These techniques should not be learned from books or from people who give amateur breathing exercises.
The regular and complete application of breathing techniques provides the following benefits:
Physical benefits:
1. Maintaining the health of the organism
2. Improving the circulatory system
3. Purifying the blood
4. Enhancing oxygen absorption function
5. Strengthening the lungs and heart
6. Revitalizing and keeping the alveoli healthy
7. Regulating blood pressure
8. Regulating the nervous system
9. Keeping the digestive and excretory systems healthy
10. Revitalizing brain cells
11. Supporting treatments
12. Eliminating respiratory disorders
13. Increasing resistance to infections
14. Eliminating accumulated toxins in the organism
15. Improving metabolism
16. Strengthening the immune system
Mental benefits:
1. Eliminating tension, irritability, and depression
2. Calming emotions and thoughts
3. Enhancing inner balance
4. Increasing concentration
5. Providing mental strength
6. Achieving inner peace
7. Enhancing awareness
8. Developing intelligence and willpower
**Energetic benefits:**
1. Purifying energy channels
2. Strengthening energy flows
3. Regulating the energy system
4. Purifying and activating energy centers
5. Awakening evolutionary energy
6. Expanding consciousness
Training Program
Breathing Expertise consists of 3 levels, each level comprising 8 hours of practical and 8 hours of theoretical training, totaling 16 hours of education.
8-Day Training Program Schedule:
Day 1
- 1st hour: Practical application
- 2nd hour: Theoretical information: What are respiration and breath control?
Day 2
- 1st hour: Practical application
- 2nd hour: Theoretical information: What are the respiratory system and breath physiology?
Day 3
- 1st hour: Practical application
- 2nd hour: Theoretical information: What is the reason and purpose of breath control? Why breath control?
Day 4
- 1st hour: Practical application
- 2nd hour: Theoretical information: What is the physiology of proper breathing?

Day 5
- 1st hour: Practical application
- 2nd hour: Theoretical information: What is the correct posture in breathing techniques?
Day 6
- 1st hour: Practical application
- 2nd hour: Theoretical information: How should breathing techniques be applied?
Day 7
- 1st hour: Practical application
- 2nd hour: Theoretical information: What are the benefits of breathing techniques?
Day 8
- 1st hour: Practical application
- 2nd hour: Theoretical information: What is breathing expertise and how are breathing exercises presented?

International Yoga Federation

Address: 5438 Smiley Dr. Los Angeles, CA90016 / USA
Address: Harmanyolu Ust Sok. Sisli, Istanbul / Turkiye

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