

From Jan 2020, IPTC will care officially about the local and international certification seminars organization for Yoga sport in different parts of the world.

IPTC will certify Yoga’ National Federation/Association’s, Clubs, Coaches, Judges, Athletes, groups, and individuals Yoga lovers.
Mehdi – Arash Salmanpour the IPTC president said, today Yoga is one of the most beautiful and popular sports in the world. Many people in all ages joining Yoga day by day. according to the yoga sport potential, I think one day we can have this powerful sport as one of the Olympic major sports as well. Salmanpour mentioned, today we might have many other yoga organizations in the world, and it’s really good if all of us trying our best to promote and develop Yoga hand in hand as a sport.

IPTC with the aim of yoga worldwide development will start cooperation with IYF, and we are looking forward to reaching our goal one day soon.
for more information please don’t hesitate to contact IPTC.

The source 


International Yoga Federation

Address: 5438 Smiley Dr. Los Angeles, CA90016 / USA
Address: Harmanyolu Ust Sok. Sisli, Istanbul / Turkiye

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